Lets go!

♃ Jupiter transiting ♓︎ Pisces
Jupiter enters Pisces Today 5/13 at 3:36pm pst.
UPDATE: Jupiter re-enters Pisces Today 12/28 around 8:10pm pst. | Jupiter will remain in Pisces until May 10th.
The planet of expansion, opportunity, abundance & miracles will be moving through one of it’s home signs, Pisces. Moving into Pisces from Aquarius allows us to integrate the known & unknown, our logic with our intuition & deeper connection with our networks & community.
Being that Jupiter will be in one of it’s most comfortable spaces, we will witness the softening and opening of this transit within ourselves and throughout the collective. With Jupiter moving through Pisces’ ever flowing waters we are allowed space, understanding and compassion to fully stretch out, build our emotional intelligence & explore the ways we can evolve and utilize the resources/abundance within and around us.
This time brings about opportunities of all sorts, heightened imagination, fluidity in various areas, messages/communication coming through different mediums (ancestors, symbolism, animal guides, spirit guides, God etc.) and lots of moving pieces & uncertainty, forcing us to trust our guts and be led by spirit. Surrender is a key theme during this time. If you’re someone who operates on plans and specifics, now is the time to practice letting go and flowing with the currents, mastering your adaptability. If you’re someone who is naturally more open and fluid, now is the time to be honing in, practicing discernment with your receptiveness & refining your ability to read the energies present and move accordingly.
Be aware that the lack of restriction this energy has also comes with disillusionment, clouded judgement, flightiness, escapism, and susceptibility to addictions. It is important and encouraged always, but especially now to lean in on your support systems to help you find your ground when you feel overwhelmed or overstimulated. Find an accountability partner to remind you of your goals & focus. Build and utilize your internal resources so that in times of crisis you don’t get swallowed by the waves, instead you learn to ride them.
All in all this is beautiful timing for deepening your spiritual practices, giving & receiving without expectations, letting your guides/the universe assist you & tapping into community & things/people outside of your immediate awareness. If nothing else this time will show us the ease, support, resourcefulness and abundance within and around us if we are willing to release expectations and expand our visions.
For deeper understanding of where these themes/energies are showing up in your life check within your Natal Chart which House(s) Pisces resides. Also keep in mind other transits happening and your own natal placements.
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
-Bob ♡