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♇ Pluto's 6 Month ℞ Retrograde through ♑︎ Capricorn
Pluto In Capricorn 2008-2024 | Pluto will be retrograde from April 27th-Oct.7th 2021 moving from 27 to 24 Degrees Capricorn.
It feels fitting that Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) started going back in its path during the Scorpio Full Moon. It’s almost as if the Full Moon graced us with a preview or trailer into the things we, in ourselves, will be retracing, revisiting & looking deeper into during the next 6 months.
When any planet goes retrograde it moves in a different variation from its usual motion. It’s as if all the planets are people running on a track (the ecliptic plane). If one of the planets (in this case Pluto) starts running in a zig zag pattern in their lane it will, of course, seem as though they are slowing down in relation to the other planets. Earth would then pass up/or be creating even further headway from Pluto & Pluto would appear to be moving backward from Earth’s straight forward running perspective. The natural reaction or urge would be to look back at Pluto to see whats going on, make sure everything is okay or even just acknowledging the space/distance passed between the two on the track.

What this does to/for us here on Earth is draw the collective energy back & inward. Memories are triggered, past events come up again in various ways & whether we want to or not we are pushed in the direction of internal realignment and refinement .
Pluto is a planet of regeneration, destruction, transformation, obsessive behaviors, power & things beneath the surface. Where ever Pluto goes it exposes our fears & deeper truths, power struggles, control issues, areas needing to be transformed/changes needing to happen in order for one to heal & not only step into their true personal power but to utilize it to its pure, full potential.
Pluto entered Capricorn back in 2008, For America, this was the year Barak Obama was elected into presidency - while this was a seemly monumental, progressive time in world history (electing the first African-American president of the U.S.). What it actually sparked & brought fully back into consciousness & continues to uproot & uncover is the deeply rooted manipulation, violence & foundational white supremacy our government, our systems & institutions have and continue to inflict on people of culture, most specifically the Indigenous American Indian (labeled present day as “Black /African American”). And although I’m speaking on America, we actually have & continue to see these same themes reemerging in various ways all over the world with uprisings against governments & oppressive systems in place everywhere.
Capricorn is Cardinal 🜃 Earth, connected to the initial materials, status, systems and means of our reality. Capricorn is all about discipline, authority, success, structure & tradition. Capricorn energy can be set in practicality and become rigid in renewing/continuing historic, long existing ways of operating vs trying new things, be it good or bad. Pluto moving through Capricorn in general has come through digging into our collective and personal systems/structures causing justified chaos & disruption to our “business as usual”, “I’m just doing my job”, “this is just how I/it is” attitudes. Opening us to reimagine our world and how we function within it. Pushing us to analyze and transform the ways we show up in the world restricting, denying, limiting & doubting its fullness, flow, versatility & evolution.
As we experience this retrograde motion of Pluto through Capricorn for the next 6 months, this energy becomes introverted. Expecting us to look at parts of our core systems & how we are restricting, denying, limiting & doubting ourselves (& in turn those connected to us), keeping us from our full and rightful human experiencing, connection, love & abundance. When we rectify and do our inner workings, we then move fully connected & authentically within the world and can extend that transformation to the larger, harmful systems of this world in which we have perpetuated, complied with, fallen victim to & fed into.
Pluto is a slower moving, generational planet, so for personal analysis it must be looked at in its relationship to your personal/inner planets & the house its moving through. So for deeper understanding of how and what areas of your life these themes are coming up Check: 1. Any inner planets/points in your natal chart at or close to 24-27 degrees of any sign; 2. What House(s) Capricorn resides in your chart.
Here is a short overview of the inner planets action/embodiment:
☉ Sun: Ego/Highlighted Expression/Vitality/Conscious Mind
☽ Moon: Emotional Body/Private, Internal Expression/Reactivity/Memories
☿ Mercury: Communication of Mind/Learning/Thoughts,Messages/Mental Movement
♀Venus: Magnetism/Love in Action/Ways of Possessing, Valuing & Enhancing
♂Mars: Desire/Ambition/Passions/Active, Instinctual Expression/Ways of War & Separating
♃ Jupiter: Journeying, Seeking/Expansive Expression/Opportunities/Ease
♄ Saturn: Discipline/Responsibility/Controlled(ing) Expression/Authority/Obstacles
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
-Bob ♡