Lets go!

February Astro Update & Reading
☉ Sun in Aquarius ♒︎ & Pisces ♓︎ | ☾ New Moon in ♒︎ Aquarius, Full Moon in Leo ♌︎ | ☿ Mercury going direct in Capricorn ︎♑︎ & re-entering Aquarius ♒︎ | ♀ Venus Direct in Capricorn ♑︎ | ♂ Mars in Capricorn ♑︎ | ♃ Jupiter in Pisces ♓︎ | ♄ Saturn in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♅ Uranus in Taurus ♉︎ | ♆ Neptune in Pisces ♓︎ | ♇ Pluto in Capricorn ♑
Over the month of February the energy is saying trust what you know & trust that you don’t always know what you know until it’s time to know. Pathways are becoming clearer, mental fogginess & looping starts subsiding. What’s in the past can confidently be left behind us.
- 1.31.22-2.1.22 New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn - new mind frame & clarity to work off, advancements & forward movement.
- 2.3.22 Mercury Direct in Capricorn til 2.14.22 - able to connect old with new, tradition and futurism co exist and we can decide & choose what serves & work for ourselves. able to see where we’ve become rigid & set in our ways & where we’ve strayed far from our own truths for rebellion sake. coming into mental freedoms & clarity.
- 2.11.22 Mercury conjunct Pluto - solidifying mental transformation, new thought processes, changes in decision making and mental function. mental regeneration coming out of retrograde. stronger mind.
- 2.14.22 Mercury re-enters Aquarius - renewed sense of things & understanding, clear visions, fast progressions, stronger mindset.
- 2.16.22 Full Moon in Leo (Grand Fixed Square with Lunar Nodes) - basking in your greatness, listening to your heart, being expressive and seeing your creativity through your visions.
- 2.16.22 Venus & Mars conjunct - magnetism & force dance together, heat, pressure & sexual (creative) energy especially high. Center your heart & mind.
- 2.18.22 Sun enters Pisces - end/changing of Winter, physically preparing for Spring & any births(Aries) to come from the plans (Cap) & visions (Aqua) you’ve been working with. Womb/behind the scenes work, whats sacred keep secret, emotional & intuitional development & intelligence, flowing & allow fluctuation. Seeing the bigger picture & wholeness.
- 2.18.22 Jupiter Sextile Uranus - expansion of ideas, resources, unique opportunities & technology. random luck. messages & downloads coming through out of the blue. good time to try new foods, hair styles, scents, crystals, flowers etc..
Collective Card Pull: Mother of Wands - Radiating confidence & determination, self assurance is the key. Keep a positive mindset & move with passion. You are in-tune with your entire being, both light & shadow giving you the drive & depth to bring anything you want to fruition.
Readings for each Sign (based mostly on Rising, can check Sun &/or Moon if you don’t know rising or just feel called to. take what resonates leave the rest).
Aquarius - the new moon brings you some much needed clarity & cleansing. coming out of both Venus & Mercury Retrogrades ,stagnancies & set backs also clear up. as the weeks go by your pathways & decisions become much more obvious & aligned. when the full moon comes around you can settle and appreciate the ways you’re learning to be present & creative - in your body, in the world & in your close relationships. use this month to take as much space & time you need to do things right, dotting your ‘i’s & crossing your ‘t’s. don’t worry so heavily about destinations (you will get to your goal no matter what because your mind lives in the future) - honor the journey & take in whats present right now , enjoy yourself & your own company, feel the changes & advancements happening right now in your life & around you.
Pisces - put yourself out there & if you’re not feeling super sure and energized within yourself, collaborate, connect and get support from others. your community can help you bring your puzzle pieces together. your gifts & what you have to offer in this world are extremely potent now. the new moon helps clearing your conscious, breaking old patterns & finding deep solace. when the full moon comes you can take in & enjoy the fruits of all of your labor internally & externally. this months feels like a time of finding your flow & balance with extending yourself to others & being in your own zone nurturing yourself & your gifts.
Aries - it’s time to start picking up the pace moving into your goals especially when the sun makes its way into Pisces - take risk, trust your instincts & be like water. you are moving into a space of action. opportunities may arise out of nowhere & if they feel good - you should go for it, if not - let it go. the new moon was a reminder that you’re not alone in your journey & it takes a solid team to make dreams come true. as the full moon comes to its peak you can reflect on the ways you have or have not played your part, considered your team & allowed your self to be a unique co-creator of the success you want.
Taurus - challenging what you were programmed, conditioned & traumatized to believe especially about yourself, challenging and changing your mind are big themes this month. learning how powerful your mind is & integrating it with your body and spirit. it can be easy for you to get complacent, the new moon is a reminder that as long as you’re alive in this human form there is more for you - make new goals or realign and readjust old ones. when the full moon comes you’ll be reminded to remember your deepest desires and what you are truly here for, what brings you true fulfillment & where you’ve come from, who has influence and pushed you thus far.
Gemini - showing up for yourself, having understanding, holding others accountable & making sure commitments & agreements are being upheld both ways within all of your relationships, of all kinds is the energy of this month. if people, things, situations aren’t bringing goodness to your life you have to let it go, distractions are just that & you’re in a space of growth & abundance, anything that even slightly deters you from your focus & path cannot take up space in your world. the new & full moons help you align & see this through, reminding you of the company you keep,
Cancer - your relationships & love life have been at the forefront for some time now. there’s been lots of changes and transformations happening within - with how you show up & your ideas about what the right relationships looks like for you. you are tasked with gettin to the root of your desires, your love, what commitment is to you, what has shaped your views of relationships, what you’re willing to give, share & trust and how you show up in love. the new moon allows you to set new intentions with the bonds, intimacy & love you share with others when the full moon comes there may be things revealed that has been hidden from you, but this moon will also be about being secure in yourself, reminding you that the truest loves comes from within, that love flourishes when two ppl come together whole, not looking for the other to fill voids but to challenge, enhance and add to.
Leo - biggest focus for you right now is your responsibilities & you wellness, figure out your routine, what does & doesnt work for you, what is the best ways to maintain your health & upkeep. the new moon for you opened doors of collaboration and new connections, the full moon is going to be reminded you & bringing your awareness to self & the reflections in others that remind you of who you are. inspiration is here for you as well, use it & alchemize the depth, love, & abundance you wish for in your being & your life.
Virgo - create, create, create - it doesnt have to be perfect it just needs to be, to manifest. with practice & continual effort your skills & talents get better & better. but if you’re doing nothin, you get nothing. you have all the universes grace right now to get in your zone & be expressive & expansive in any ways that feel right for you. the new moon was a stepping stone for innovating new ways of extending yourself in the world with out overdoing it or burning yourself out, the full moon is helping you further balance rest & work. pursuing your creativity & joy is essential to you health - whatever you’re doing make it fun!
Libra - stability, security is some of your biggest focuses right now, get clear & make a plan on achieving the comfort you want in your life. the new moon is refreshing your creativity bringing you out of any lack in your abilities to manifest & express, the full moon will be showing you the right settings, people & places you should be connecting & expanding with. it’s also a time of grace for yourself, you already can be harsh & pushy with yourself, now you need to be learning and practicing flow, patience & empathy for yourself.
Scorpio - your mind is powerful & receiving so much assistance from the stars right now, this is your focus this month - getting your mind in alignment with you souls desire & your goals. release negatives through your art, play, dance, whatever you enjoy doing. the new moon has set you up to move into a more comfortable & stable positioning in your life, when the full moon comes around you’ll be shown more of the bigger picture & steps into that secure future. move into your light and stop holding back!
Sagittarius - have you put a worth on yourself based on what you’re capable of, how smart you can be, what you have to offer others? etc.. how can we change the thought to be “because i exist i am worthy & valuable”. this is what is true - no matter what you do, no matter the titles, no matter the accomplishments - you are present, you are here, you never had to convince yourself or anyone else of that. this time is all about embodiment of that fact. deprogramming yourself from any beliefs, trauma or conditioning that made you think you were ever unworthy. whatever you share with the world & what is shared with you is all just reflection, reminders & extras of what you already came in this life as. dont let outside things get to your head or heart, know your truth, know yourself & stand in it. the coming full moon is a reminder of the faith & fire within, you can choose to share & expand on that.
Capricorn - things are moving and changing for you on a very personal level, put yourself out there & just be open & real about where you are, you dont have to be confined to any one thing, emotion, way of being etc.., dont be afraid to switch up your style or try something new. there is fire under you that can propel you forward fast into whatever you want. command your desires, dont ask. get out of your head & into your spirit, do all the things that excite you & get you moving. the new moon opened up pathways to your gifts & abundance, the full moon will be showing you your magic & depth with these gifts. trust the process.
-Bob ♡