Lets go!

Full ☾ Moon in ♈︎ Aries
Full Moon at 27° Aries 10/20 at 7:56am pst
To be passive is to let others decide for you, to be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself, trusting that there’s enough & that you are enough. - E.Eger
Full Moon (Sun Moon Opposition) - time of wholeness, balance, reflection, celebration, everything out on the table, seeing the full picture, honoring our journey’s and the present, taking note of all we’ve done & how we did it.
Aries (Cardinal Fire) - one’s assertion, instincts, desires, separating, inspiration, self confidence and courage, independence, ambition, strategy, standing/speaking up, our fight and advocacy, pursuing, action, sparks.
Aries Libra Axis - self & other, learning separation & when to unite, taking action & weighing options, balancing aggression & passivity, being one’s self in relationships, wholeness & equality.
Things that may be heightened: headaches, aggression, motivation, inspiration, energy in the body, irritation, dryness (hydrate hydrate hydrate!), libido, urges, cravings..etc.
Suggested Rituals - fire, physical activity, sensual pleasure
Light candles, incense, palo santos, sage, your fire place, a campfire etc…
Move the energy in your body by dancing, running, stretching, sex or some other form of physical activity.
Get a head massage, take a hot shower, act on your inspiration.
Overview of opposing/complimentary house themes:
1st House - Self/Approach/Visible Self - vs - 7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments - vs - 8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
3rd House - Familiar Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings - vs - 9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things(people)/Religion
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation - vs- 10th House - Career/Status/Legacy/Public Life/Authority
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children - vs- 11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking
6th House - Work/Conscious Responsibilities/Physical Health/Pets - vs- 12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dream State/Solitude/Mental Health
*Check what houses this Full Moon is happening in within your chart (house meanings above)*
Take some time to reflect on the past 6 months (from New Moon in Aries 4/11/21 to now) - where we’re you then (physically, mentally, spiritually) in comparison to where you are now. Answer the following questions for yourself:
What has shifted within you, your life, in your environment, your relationships, communication, etc.. since April?
What goals, desires, inspirations did you have then & where are you in relation to them now?
What actions did you take to be where you are now? How do you feel about them?
In what ways have you become more confident, courageous and assertive?
What wins (big or small) are you celebrating today?
In what ways are you honoring yourself today and going forward?
Note anything else that comes up for you during this exercise.
*When the Moon moves into her waning phase, we can take what we learned and reflected on to make any adjustments, hone in & build on the things that have worked for us, cut out any excess &/or detrimental habits and connections & practice discipline.
- Bob ♡