Lets go!

Jan 2nd-16th Astro Update & Reading
☉ Sun in Capricorn ♑︎ | ☾ Moon moving through ♑︎ Capricorn - Gemini ♊︎ | ☿ Mercury in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♀ Venus ℞ in Capricorn ♑︎ | ♂ Mars in Sagittarius ♐︎ | ♃ Jupiter in Pisces ♓︎ | ♄ Saturn in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♅ Uranus ℞ in Taurus ♉︎ | ♆ Neptune in Pisces ♓︎ | ♇ Pluto in Capricorn ♑
Over the next 2 weeks the energy calls for introspection, foundation building, restructuring, organization & clearing. Get your new calendar/planner, update/add to your vision board, & take out any old stuff that you no longer need.
1.1.22 Mercury moves into Aquarius - out with the old in with the new, thinking outside of the box, being able to detach from situations & people, rebellious energy, strong minded, aloof , more calculated energy.
1.2.22 Capricorn New Moon - bringing in fresh energy, wake up calls & a new perspective. Giving us all a clean slate to draw on & plan ahead with.
1.9.22 Sun conjunct Venus Retrograde - a turning point of Venus retrograde, beginning to see the future of this retrograde & what will come out of it, how we will shift & upgrade.
1.14.22 Mercury goes Retrograde in Aquarius - good time to take technology breaks, rely less on phones/tv/gadgets etc for information &/or reminders. strengthen memory & intuition, nerves & anxieties may be higher - breathing techniques, intentional dreaming, journaling all good during this time.
Readings for each Sign (based mostly on Rising, can check Sun &/or Moon if you don’t know rising or just feel called to. take what resonates leave the rest).
Capricorn - you may be experiencing a major perspective shift right now, continue to allow things to unfold. time is on your side & being patient with yourself right now is best. As the weeks progress think about slowing down on spending or just bringing money management to the front of your mind, ask yourself “is this worth it” & not just with shopping but with all things/people that can expel energy from you. It’s also good timing to connect with people from childhood, your siblings, grandparents, or people in your neighborhood.
Aquarius - mentallythings have probably been intense , you’ve been doing a lot of internal/behind the scenes work on yourself be it intentional or not, it has probably been taxing on you. I hope that you’re able to spend this time just slowing down, getting to know the new/old parts of yourself that have been emerging & just resting as much as possible. Cook &/or treat yourself to some really good, nourishing meals, take yourself on dates or allow others to & practice lots of self care (whatever that looks like for you).
Pisces - a lot of healing & abundance is coming through you over the coming months, your mind may feel a little scattered over the next few weeks but you can utilize this time to sift through the negative thought patterns you may have been operating from. pay attention to your support systems & influences as well - ask yourself & answer honestly: who can you call on when you need it? who brings a positive energy in your life? who holds you accountable? etc.. changes may need to happen around these questions.
Aries - it may be good, if you haven’t already, to take a little vacation & time away from your usual, you can find many insights in solitude & your time away especially around your dreams, legacy & goals. how do you want to be seen in the world, what impact do you want to have & what value do you bring to this life? whose coming with you? - all questions that are coming up for you now. use the coming weeks to work through any kind of imposter syndrome & fears around showing up honestly & true to yourself world & more importantly in your communities & groups.
Taurus - everything you thought you knew, your beliefs have been tested and changing wildly for some time now , your growth has been light speed & really you’ve hade no choice but to change & get into your own magic. share your experiences & wisdom with those around you, you really don’t know who you can touch, meet & inspire if you don’t put yourself out there. get out of the tv, your phone, the computer & make some face to face interactions, open to new connections.
Gemini - you’ve been in a space of asking for more & unpacking why you ever thought you didn’t deserve or couldn’t have more. right now is good timing to continue focusing on your home & work balance, your roots & your future, upholding & putting in the work for any agreements, partnerships you’ve made. continue nurturing the seeds you’ve planted all around & allow yourself to be on the receiving end of them as well.
Cancer - you’ve been learning so much about yourself through your relationships, what have you began to understand & unpack? what ideas of love , intimacy & commitment have you taken on from others that maybe dont actually fit the person you are & the visions of your future, what boxes have these ideals kept you in when it comes to experiencing healthy, balancing & loving relationships. you’re in a very beautiful, intense & potent space right now - keep doing the work, keep feeling the feelings, keep questioning & keep exploring, keep digging, the treasure is deep within you.
Leo - you’re learning all about accountability & responsibility for yourself amongst others, this timing is teaching you to take better care of yourself & advocate for your own wellness & respect especially in places you’re putting a lot of time & energy into to. Play is a big theme for you right now, enjoy the fruits of your labor & flow a little more freely right now.
Virgo - discipline is going to be your best friend over the next couple weeks, having some structure & a routine will help you out tremendously. there’s a lot of messy healing & growth happening for you when it comes to your core, your upbringing & how you come into forming relationships/connections esp based on the relationships with your parents. find a nice flow for yourself, whether it be a simple morning meditation or gym 3 times a week, whatever feels doable that you can consistently do.
Libra - you’ve been in a process of uprooting & completely rebuilding your foundation, creativity may be a little foggy over the next few weeks - get back to simple pleasures like being in nature, nice baths, being in good company, taking walks, long talks etc.. there’s a lot of inspiration here & also you should be putting yourself in a space to understand & learn others better, seeing other perspectives.
Scorpio - spend time getting your safe haven together over the next few weeks, you actually have the potential to get a lot done right now & bring in some return, if you clean out your home, make space for your creative projects & tap into that energy - it is strong & potent over the coming months! connect with other creatives & community if you need support!
Sagittarius - watch out for reckless spending & investments over the next few weeks & not just monetary but also be vigilant about what you’re putting in/on your body, in your mind etc. you might be feeling a lot of energy in yourself & like you just want/need to do something. put the energy you have into going over old stuff you’ve learned, reading, refreshing your mind , studying etc.. connect with your friends, invite ppl over for game or movie nights, have book club or study groups if you’re currently in school.
-Bob ♡