Lets go!

March 20th-April 2nd Astro Update & Reading
☉ Sun in Aries ︎♈︎ | ☾ Moon moving through Libra ♎︎ - Aries ︎♈︎ , New Moon in Aries ︎♈︎ | ☿ Mercury in︎ Pisces ♓ moving into Aries ︎♈︎ | ♀ Venus in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♂ Mars in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♃ Jupiter in Pisces ♓︎ | ♄ Saturn in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♅ Uranus in Taurus ♉︎ | ♆ Neptune in Pisces ♓︎ | ♇ Pluto in Capricorn ♑
Over the next 2 weeks the energy is saying fight for what you want, assert & apply yourself. Everyday is a new opportunity to try something new, do things different, correct your mistakes, be inspired & take charge of your own narrative & outcomes.
- 3.20.22 The Sun moves into Aries, Spring Equinox- Happy Nu Year! Time for blossoming, becoming & action. Check Aries Season post for further info & guidance. You can also read last years Aries Season post as well for deeper understanding.
- 3.23.22 Mercury conjunct Neptune - connection, intuition & sensitivity. Embodying your words. Heightened sensitivity to energy, tone, body language, pheromones, other realms. Feeling a deeper connection to the simple & little things in your life. Psychic abilities intensified.
- 3.27.22 Mercury enters Aries - sharp, direct communication, things feeling faster paced, quicker results & responses, irritations may be a bit higher, shorter tempers, sense of urgency in day to day, energy boost, assertiveness in decision making, faster brain processing.
- 3.28.22 Venus conjunct Saturn (moves out of besiegement) - Venus makes her way out of a rock(Saturn) & a hard place(Mars), being in between these two made it harder to express & live fully into herself. As she passes Saturn the loving, harmonious energy picks up, money matters sort out, able to appreciate things, relationships, materials more. More love, more pleasure, more peace.
- 3.31.22- 4.1.22 New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury & Chiron - New actions, inspiration & motivations. Healing & using old wounds for new purpose.
Collective Card Pull: 8 of Wands - Travel, progress & forward movement. Get your energy up in these fast paced times, remove distractions & focus your passions, mind & ambitions. There’s nothing in your way, nothing to stop you!
Readings for each Sign (based mostly on Rising, can check Sun &/or Moon if you don’t know rising or just feel called to. take what resonates leave the rest).
Aries - a breakthrough & burst of fresh new energy is upon you. learn the lessons & make any necessary shifts so when the time comes, as the upgrades are happening you’re not caught up in your past & holding yourself back. stand tall within yourself & don’t waiver for anyone or anything that is not resonate with your spirit. the coming new moon is all about you coming more in alignment with your purpose & living loud in it.
Taurus - connect with your community, your friends, your people, especially if its been while. it could help give you some peace of mind whether it be from sound advice, clearing up miscommunications, making amends or just feeling familiar comfy energy reminding you that you’re not alone. when the new moon comes around, you’ll be ready to push out & expand whatever you’ve been working on/through into new light.
Gemini - i think it’s time for a nice trip somewhere, make plans to move around, see something new. this will give you new inspirations & ideas toward your dreams & goals. plus you need & deserve to live more literally into your light & airy nature. the new moon is bringing you the gift of self realization & being able to turn your story into one of inspiration. share yourself, your story, your gifts.
Cancer - reciprocation, give & take - it doesn’t always look like 50/50 on the surface. look a little deeper into your exchanges, in the intimacy in your life. whats being shared, what have you overlooked & under-appreciated, where have you poured too much, what times did you skip out on asking for what you need? etc.. see what you find out & what that shifts for you. when the new moon comes around, it’s bringing a release & opportunity for a new outlook on things you may have been ashamed of & felt guilt around from your past. it’s opening a door for you to live authentically loud, not letting an image or projection make or break you. you are who you choose to be everyday.
Leo - open a little more to the sweetness around you, even if just in moments. responsibility & discipline are ofc great things to be focused on but you also need to feel some love. when you’re working on your projects or just handling your business the few weeks let you’re loved ones join you & lighten your load, or just bring them along for company & energetic support. when the new moon comes around she’ll be bringing you some spiritual downloads - helping you better align (w)holistically.
Virgo - any slow downs in work & routine will begin to pick back up & feel easier. work smarter not harder is the motto for you, no overextending nor over criticizing yourself. live in a space of ease & pleasure in all you do, all your task, all of your responsibilities. get more comfortable with things being in flow in your life & release the chaos mindset. when the new moon comes around you be opening to deeper wells of power, intimacy & alchemy within yourself, with ease comes centeredness - necessary for your magic.
Libra - spend time exploring what makes you happy, new hobbies & what brings you pleasure then do those things. this will help expand your creativity & your internal resources & outlets - especially for the rainy days. the new moon will be bringing you refreshing tenderness & renewing love if you decide you’re ready to let your heart heal, your relationships heal.
Scorpio - make a move for your security & longevity- whether this means saving up, renovating, investing etc. now is not time to be wasting on anything else. focus on what you want & make it happen, all the cards are in your hands right now - your creative mind & the ambition flowing through your blood right now can get you there. when the new moon comes around she’ll be refreshing & renewing your abilities & responsibilities around taking good care of yourself & living your best, healthy life.
Sagittarius - even if you cant make some drastic changes or moves you can always shift your environment a little to experience big shifts, it’s about time to switch up your rituals & routine, the things you look at & experience on a consistent basis. it could be a new book, moving your furniture, a new perfume/cologne etc.. make some small shifts & call in some fresh air & energy. when the new moon hits, she’ll be bringing you renewed creativity, inspiration, expression - make sure you tend to little, younger you in these moments - let out that pure, untamed energy.
Capricorn - if your money, time & energy was tied up, those matters begin sorting out, begin investing in yourself . invest in your gifts & whatever you do & want to share with the world. whatever you have to offer the world is valuable & needed. you can even spend some some envisioning & vision boarding the life you want to have & lead - write it down, pray on it, meditate etc.. when the new moon comes you will be gifted a foundational cleanse & reset - if there’s pain, trauma between you & your family or running through your lineage - it opens up & gets a chance to be seen, understood & released if you’re ready & willing to go there.
Aquarius - that rock & a hard place you may have been teetering in starts to let up. pamper yourself sometime in these weeks, invest in your vessel. you dont need to go overboard with spending but you can still reasonably treat & gift yourself. give yourself love, gratitude, compassion, tenderness, support etc.. not all gifts are monetary & some of the best gifts are free - so shower yourself with those. remember your value - beyond what you’ve come from & through, outside of what you’ve done & experienced. when the new moon comes you may be receiving information that helps clear up miscommunications, past blockages, a change in environment etc.. keep your ears & heart open.
Pisces - the things you’ve been working on & through in yourself, will make their way to the light - when the time comes speak your truth & dont let other taint or diminish the work you’ve put in when it comes to your journey, your healing & your peace of mind. continue to be true to you, be in your body, be in your feelings & dont suppress any of it, let it breathe. when the new moon hits you will be gifted with deeper understanding & healing around your worth & whats worthwhile to you, a renewed sense of self & purpose.
-Bob ♡