Lets go!

March 6th-19th Astro Update & Reading
☉ Sun in Pisces ♓︎ | ☾ Moon moving through ♒︎ Aries - ♎︎ Libra, Full Moon in Virgo ♍️︎ | ☿ Mercury in Aquarius ♒ moving into ♓︎ Pisces | ♀ Venus in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♂ Mars in Aqu︎arius ♒︎ | ♃ Jupiter in Pisces ♓︎ | ♄ Saturn in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♅ Uranus in Taurus ♉︎ | ♆ Neptune in Pisces ♓︎ | ♇ Pluto in Capricorn ♑
Over the next 2 weeks the energy is saying find the calm within the chaos, find ways to stay grounded & present in reality when you become overwhelmed. Your dreams have messages for you, your imagination can take you places & pay attention to the vibes, dont expect clear communication.
- 3.5.22 Venus & Mars move into Aquarius - onward & upward . zooming into the future, thinking outside of the box, feeling more free & rebellious. breaking out of the restraints.
- 3.9.22 Mercury moves into Pisces - being more flexible with your communication, tasks, day to day functioning, tuning into none linear forms of communication - feeling, body language, eye contact, dreams, symbolism etc. logic isn’t a priority right now.
- 3.13.22 Sun conjunct Neptune - heightened sensitivity, dissolving of ego, interconnectedness, great time for wild imagination & blossoming creativity. chaos may be highlighted, can be some messiness. nonetheless brings insight.
- 3.18.22 Full Moon in Virgo - Balance of bigger picture & fine details, reflection & celebration of refinements made, progress in health & work etc.. a sense of pureness & purpose.
Collective Card Pull: Son of Wands - Be inspired & motivated by possibilities, potential is limitless, you just have to put some focus, direction & action to it. You got this.
Readings for each Sign (based mostly on Rising, can check Sun &/or Moon if you don’t know rising or just feel called to. take what resonates leave the rest).
Pisces - you could be feeling pulled in many directions within yourself & in the world - it could be good to retreat some & get your own energy & boundaries right & clear first. follow the good vibes, as of now you don’t have to make any set decisions or choices, you can just experience, create & live into what calls to you. spend a little more time in bed getting what you need.
Aries - inner workings are happening on a high level for you, all the behind the scenes, subconscious, deeper stuff is moving, shifting & evolving. you can feel so tender right now, it’s important to create some protection for yourself. it’s also such a beautiful time for you to be connecting with people who share similar goals, outlook & ideals as you, find your people & lean on your support.
Taurus - make those power moves, it’s time to pick up your pace & go for whatever you’re after. network & get your name out there. if there’s a product, a skill, an offering put it out there, people are wanting what you have, give it to them & don’t short yourself! keep your foundations sturdy by doing things right from start, staying in your integrity, & moving from your core.
Gemini - lately you’ve been unlocking new layers of your consciousness, expanding your mind & believing in things you never thought of, your mind is nearly as absorbent as a babies right now. continue feeding your soul through rich experiences, exploring your curiosities & keeping a student mind. it’s also so good for you to be sharing your knowledge & works.
Cancer - it’s time for you & others to put your money where your mouth is. after all of the reflecting, realizations & changes in agreements now you’re getting into the implementation, holding yourself & other accountable & bringing it all to the table. there is a lot of magic happening underneath the surface for you, find your focus, keep your mind open & watch what comes from it.
Leo - collaboration can be key for you now, your relationships come to the forefront & what you make of them, how you show up will make all the difference. there’s a lot of beauty & wonder that can be made in these connections. now is a great time for deepening your relationships/partnerships, being creative & explorative in them & feeling the heights they can bring you to.
Virgo - there’s a lot of momentum now in the areas of work, health & routines. find your flow & stay on top of your health. switch up your schedule & habits to feel more ease in your life. you can get a lot done now with the right pace & care for yourself. it’s important to not be overextending yourself, pour more of that into just doing the things you love & taking care of your responsibilities first.
Libra - any creative blocks, down vibes are washing away now. you’re in a very fertile place now, dont let these creative juices go to waste. make something, play, feed your inner child. you may need to do this in a structured way but none the less you need to be making time to just stop & smell the roses & enjoy what you have.
Scorpio - its a time for building your foundation, figuring out what stability & security is for you. taking what you’ve been able to create & manifest & solidifying yourself in the world. this may also be a good time to get back to your roots, dig a little into your history so that you can move in your future with clarity & purpose.
Sagittarius - communicate, listen, speak up, pay attention to the signs, tap into all layers of whats being revealed to you - you can learn a lot right now through many different mediums. be mindful of whats being fed to you, put yourself in spaces that truly water & grow you, especially mentally. you’re mind is a one of your most powerful tools, you must protect, nurture & constantly put good things in it!
Capricorn - treat yourself, you so deserve it. allow the universe to give you what you’re asking for & stop working against yourself. there’s a sense of drive & flow happening around what you value, your resources & what you feel worthwhile. when you treat yourself well, when you love on yourself, when you hold yourself in high esteem the universe will magnify & multiply that energy around & for you. so be good to you first & foremost!
Aquarius - inspiration is all around you, within you, have you opened your eyes to witness it? Go with it, let it drive you, get out of your head & into your body. Make those moves & stop second guessing. You have a lot to offer, but if you’re not putting yourself out there, the universe will plant the seeds in someone else to get the job done. you are skilled, prepared & extremely capable of doing whatever it is you have your mind set on. Take that first step!
-Bob ♡