Lets go!

♂Mars Transiting ♊︎ Gemini
Mars moved into Gemini on March 3rd & I’m sure many of us felt the surge in energy! The Taurus transit had us moving slow and steady & maybe even more in the lazy, food, bed and Netflix vibes.
Now that Mars is moving through airy, social Gemini, times are perfect for knocking out multiple tasks, being quick on your feet, having the ability to focus on many different things and practically being in various spaces at once. The other side of this transit that can come through is feeling indecisive and scattered when it comes to getting things done. Focus this energy on your goals, any projects you’re wanting to see through, and any connections you are wanting to make. Doing things like creating priority/tasks list, setting reminders for yourself will be helpful to keep you on track and on point.
You may also be feeling social vibes during this transit, wanting to connect and do things with people. Find some time to do fun activities with good company. Always energy/vibe check before hanging out with people and/or going into spaces to avoid any drama or unwanted interactions.
& Lastly be aware that Mars moving through Gemini can be a messy bitch that lives for drama! Try not to get too wrapped up in gossip, petty dramas and other peoples’ business! If conflicts arise, take some deep breaths, use your words, listen to understand and communicate (mindfully).
In your natal chart, check which House Mars is transiting to get a better understanding of where this energy is showing up in your life. Also keep in mind other transits happening and your own natal placements.
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
-♡ Bob