Lets go!

♂Mars transiting Scorpio ♏︎
Mars entered Scorpio 10/30 7:21am pst
The planet of drive, passion, pure instinct, ambitions & fight has made its way into one of it’s home signs, Scorpio. Mars is done playing nice and keeping it cute coming out of Libra. We’ve now shifted into an energy of rawness, getting beneath the surface & deepening our senses & insight into one another and the things we’re putting time into. During this transit we all may be feeling the true weight & impact of things in our lives (good & bad), we may be more sensitive, skeptical & wanting to sniff out any kinds of secrets, deceptions & bullshit around us.
While in these intense fixed 🜄 waters (esp. while the Sun & Mercury are also in Scorpio) it’s important to practice stillness as emotions & situations can be/feel extreme which can lead to destruction if we’re not equipped internally. This timing is beautiful to be working through things, tending to the roots of your projects/relationships/self/hobbies etc.., & letting things unfold & reveal themselves. Pace yourself, take things one at a time & trust your instincts. Scorpio teaches us intentional alchemy, calculated risks & that integration & separation exist in the same space. the deaths we experience throughout our lives & beyond all consist of a rebirth elsewhere. the end and beginning are one. Know that sometimes you have to take it all apart in order to put it back together.
Some things to be mindful of during this transit include obsessing over things/feelings/people, struggles to find a middle ground - going from different extremes, secrecy &/or shutting down, spitefulness &/or jealousy stemming from trauma/pain. Uncared for Scorpio energy can be destructive in the worst ways - spend a little time each day watering your grass, giving yourself undivided attention, tap into the internal resources you have when you need them, feel your feelings - do not swallow/bury them, give them life to move through & out (good & bad). Lastly, ask yourself “why?” & see what insights & answers it leads you to.
This is where words become bonds, put actions to your agreements or take it all apart & try again elsewhere/some other way. Magic happens when the intention & action align.
For deeper analysis of where these themes are playing out in your life, check in your Birth Chart, which house(s) Scorpio reside Also keep in mind any other transits happening and your own natal placements. Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
-Bob ♡