Lets go!

New ☾ Moon in ♉︎ Taurus, Partial Solar Eclipse
Just as the water reflects the stars & moon, the body reflects the mind & soul . - Rumi
New Moon at 10° Taurus 4/30 at 8:27 pm pst
Eclipse begins 4/30 at 11:45am , ending 3:37pm | Maximum Eclipse around 1:41pm pst.
New Moon (Sun Moon Conjunction) - time of newness, setting intentions, goals & making wishes, planting seeds and aligning internally, darkness, where everything is rooted and we must rely on intuition and our senses.
Solar Eclipse - obscuring the Sun’s illumination on Earth, bringing & connecting with shadow, erratic energy, vibration shift, course correction, energetic resets, node activation (ascension & life lessons, past & present life, comfort zone vs purpose) - This eclipse specifically is opening & moving us into a new chapter ( Scorpio - Taurus Axis Eclipses).
Taurus (Fixed Earth 🜃) - one’s stability, sustainability, quality, simplicity, grace, self worth & dependability, willfulness, stillness, ability to pace oneself, endurance, soothing, sensuality & pleasure.
Other Planetary Influence -
- Uranus ☌ Conjunct the Sun & Moon elements of change, liberation, freedom, disruption of usual, quick shifts, unexpected moments .
Things that may be heightened: fatigue, hunger & appetite, desire for comfort, physical senses, disruptions in seemly normal/calm situations, secrets coming out, emotions manifesting in the body, sensuality, pleasure & magnetism.
Suggested Rituals - earth, relaxing, things helping you to staying grounded & rooted.
- feet in the earth, mud baths, full body massages, hot stones.
- good, hearty, nourishing meals.
- crystals - protection, clearing, cleansing, adaptability & healing.
- tending to each of your senses - beautiful scenery, sweet scents, tasty food, soft clothing on the body, adornment & sweet sounds/music.
- taking your time, slowing down, resting
Overview of house themes:
- 1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
- 2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
- 3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
- 4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
- 5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
- 6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
- 7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
- 8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
- 9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
- 10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
- 11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
- 12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
*Check what house this New Moon is happening in within your chart (house meanings above).
Take some time to be present with the area of life/house themes being activated right now by this Moon & Eclipse. Think about what you want in the coming 6 months (now to the Taurus Full Moon Eclipse in November 2022 ) for this area of your life - what is your vision for the future and what steps can you take to get there? What is already shifting for you? Think about & answer the following questions for yourself:
- Where in your body have you been holding & storing negative emotions, traumas? How has it impacted your ability to connect & deepen your relationships to self, the world & others. What are ways you’ve began to release these things?
- What are you doing to align intentionally & intimately with your purpose & values?
- In what ways have you allowed yourself to suffer comfortably (big & small)? How can you move in the direction of moving through the transformational depths of healing to experience life more abundantly?
- What wisdom & insight does your body carry? How do you honor & listen to it?
- What ways can you strengthen your connection to your vessel, your gifts & your power?
- Write out 3 affirmations you can incorporate into your day to day as reminders when you feel ungrounded, out of purpose & disconnected .
- Note anything else that comes up for you during this exercise.
*When the Eclipse portal closes & the Moon moves into her waxing phase, we can put into action the notes, points and steps we wrote down, incorporating them into our life.
- Bob ♡