Lets go!

♀Venus 6 Week ℞ Retrograde through Capricorn ♑︎
Venus will be retrograde between. December 19th - January 29th moving from 26°-11° Capricorn.
Over the next 6 weeks the planet of relations, attraction, values, possessions, love, aesthetic, beauty & harmony will have us all back tracking in some capacity. Being met with Pluto adds a layer of intensity & finales/beginnings .
Where ever Venus falls in our charts is the gateway to the beauty, harmony & love we exchange & carry within our lives, we know that the space she occupies must be pleasurable, bring joy and add to us. That where ever she is, adds value & makes things worthwhile in this life. Compromise, agreements & understanding all happen here.
Capricorn is Cardinal 🜃 Earth - reminding us that structures, systems & boundaries keep us safe, rooted in reality & growing intentionally & properly. Capricorn rules the bones our muscles, tissues & organs grow in & around, it’s what keeps us 10 toes down & is the structure our spirts/souls need during this human experience. Sometimes Capricorn energy can get stuck in old ways, not wanting to change up traditions even when they’ve become detrimental & can even discipline & limit oneself to their own demise. When this energy is nurtured and properly directed it is strategic, sets realistic goals, blossoms beautifully and has longevity & rewards like no other. Venus here in general is asking us to make a plan, take our time, set boundaries & do the necessary foundational work when it come to what we deem as valuable, what/who we love, & what brings us what we need & desire to get through this human experience.
As Venus shifts backwards things becomes more & more personal & intensified. We are revisiting & revising the space between us & others. Reviewing our own self worth, our boundaries, what we’ve seen as valuable (or not) in ourselves & to our lives and the space it takes up. Redefining the ways we’ve shown up for self & others in love & relationships of all kinds. The ways that we’ve shorted ourselves or accepted bare minimum because we forgot our own beauty and worth or maybe just put something or someone else before/above self. - forgetting that the truest & most solid is the love, pleasure & care you give to yourself & that everything outside of you is just the reflection of that. When we set our standards, tend to our needs & desires authentically & realistically we magnetize that same energy in others & the world around - drawing in that reflection, leading us into spaces & relationships that honor & value who were are fully.
For Personal Analysis of what this retrograde is addressing in your life check: 1. The House(s) Capricorn resides in your birth chart; 2. Any planets/points in your chart at/close to 11-26 degrees of any sign.
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
Here is a short overview of the planets action/embodiment:
☉ Sun: Ego/Highlighted, Outward Expression/Vitality/Conscious Mind
☽ Moon: Emotional Body/Private, Internal Expression/Reactivity/Memories
☿ Mercury: Communication of Mind/Learning/Thoughts,Messages/Mental Movement
♀Venus: Magnetism/Love in Action/Ways of Possessing, Valuing & Enhancing
♂Mars: Desire/Ambition/Passions/Active, Instinctual Expression/Ways of War & Separating
♃ Jupiter: Journeying, Seeking/Expansive Expression/Opportunities/Ease
♄ Saturn: Discipline/Responsibility/Controlled(ing) Expression/Authority/Obstacles
♅ Uranus: Innovation/Disruption/ Rebellious Expression/Unexpected Shifts/Technology
♆ Neptune: Transcendence/Imagination/Creative Expression/Alternate Reality/Vibration
♇ Pluto: Regeneration/Destruction/Transforming Expression/Personal Power/Rebirth
-Bob ♡