Lets go!

☿ Mercury's 3 Week ℞ Retrograde through ♊︎ Gemini
Mercury will be retrograde between May 29th-June 22nd moving from 24°-16° Gemini.
Retro-shade periods: May 15th- May 29th & June 22nd-July 7th (2 week periods where Mercury starts to pivot/shift movement)
When a retrograde happens the planet appears to be moving backwards from Earth’s point of view, in actuality the planet is still moving in the same general direction just in a different variation (ex: running in a straight line vs running zig zag in the same direction). This pulls our focus & energy back and inward. Memories can be triggered, past events/people/things reappearing in various ways/settings & we are moved toward realigning and reviewing ourselves.
Mercury is the planet of communication, processing, day-to-day interaction & tasks, learning, exchanges/transactions, and technology. Wherever Mercury is in our charts will tell us 1.based on what sign it’s in: our communication & learning style, the way we process info & how we move through our day to day tasks; 2.based on the house it resides: where/how we may find it easiest to express our thoughts & what things we consider when making decisions. Mercury is a faster moving planet and closer to us so it affects us on a day by day, individual basis in comparison to the further out planets affecting our months, years & generations.
Gemini is mutable 🜁 air, the social butterfly - moving through various spaces, seeing all sides, connecting everyone/everything despite our differences in language, culture, location, looks etc. Gemini is one of the mind rulers and is all about following its curiosity no matter where it leads, sharing information & connecting with others. Gemini energy can also come out as gossipy, playing devils advocate, flaky and all over the place. Mercury moving through Gemini in general, is comfortable and at home here, so it really lets loose. We may, one day, feel supercharged completing a million task in a day & the next feel like a complete indecisive mess with a million thoughts & ideas coming in every other minute. How ever things are going, one day or the next, we get to just explore & move through things without having to fully settle into any one thing here.
As Mercury moves retrograde we will feel messages, connections & information becoming a bit jumbled up especially through technology. The things outside of self that you rely on & utilize on a daily basis (cars, computers, phones, email, calendar etc.) will experience glitches & may even completely break down. Why? Because Mercury retrograde wants us to connect back with ourselves, get back to our root and natural ways of connection (face to face interaction, taking walks, breathing fresh air, slowing down to see things clearly, meditating to optimize the mind etc.) Many are shook up by Mercury retrograde, when the reality is, its a reset. It reminds to slow down, get back to the basics & allows us to really clarify and sort through our thoughts and ideas. It’s like a system update/optimization for your brain. When we resist and try to force things instead of surrendering is when things get crazy and messy.
This retrograde might feel a bit more stern as Saturn is also Retrograde in Aquarius, but coming out of these we will feel much clearer, focused and mentally stronger! While you move through this retrograde really allow the universe to guide you through your rest, work cycles, if your computer is acting up take it as a sign to take a break & unplug. Spend more in person time with your loved ones so the energy is better read & exchanged. Less texting & social media, more lunch dates, sleep overs and facetime (if you can’t be in person). This especially goes for any conflicts you’re having - text &/or social media will definitely blow thing out of proportion. Avoid reading too deep into things that don’t actually concern you, matter of fact practice the art of minding your business & tending to yourself instead of reading the articles that pop up in you news feed &/or trying to get the scoop on other people. Any contracts, important emails/papers, bookings etc. you need to complete - just make sure to triple check & have a second pair of eyes look over as well. Slow down on spending money or just be sure you’re spending wisely as you don’t want to be swiping like crazy and end up with over draft fees or finding that you spent money you didn’t actually have. & Lastly if old situations/people/things pop back up it’s probably because it was still lingering somewhere in your mind & its an opportunity to fully clear that space by fully letting go &/or making amends.
All in all if you align to the energy, tapping back into the simple things and taking your time, you’ll find this transit to be very helpful in your journey. ♡
For clear understanding of where/how this transit is showing up in your life check which House(s) Gemini resides in your Natal Chart & you can also check any connections it’s making to your Natal planets (any planets positioned at or near 16-24 degrees of any sign).
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
Here is a short overview of the planets action/embodiment:
☉ Sun: Ego/Highlighted, Outward Expression/Vitality/Conscious Mind
☽ Moon: Emotional Body/Private, Internal Expression/Reactivity/Memories
☿ Mercury: Communication of Mind/Learning/Thoughts,Messages/Mental Movement
♀Venus: Magnetism/Love in Action/Ways of Possessing, Valuing & Enhancing
♂Mars: Desire/Ambition/Passions/Active, Instinctual Expression/Ways of War & Separating
♃ Jupiter: Journeying, Seeking/Expansive Expression/Opportunities/Ease
♄ Saturn: Discipline/Responsibility/Controlled(ing) Expression/Authority/Obstacles
♅ Uranus: Innovation/Disruption/ Rebellious Expression/Unexpected Shifts/Technology
♆ Neptune: Transcendence/Imagination/Creative Expression/Alternate Reality/Vibration
♇ Pluto: Regeneration/Destruction/Transforming Expression/Personal Power/Rebirth
-Bob ♡