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Super Blood ☾ Moon in Sagittarius , Total Lunar Eclipse
Full ☾ at 5 Degrees Sagittarius 5/26 4:13am pst
Eclipse will begin at 4:11am - 4:25am here in the Bay Area. (Check Eclipse Phase Chart Below)
The Moon is now opposing the Sun reflecting is shadowy, phantom side. But this isn’t our usual full moon, with it comes a Total Lunar Eclipse.
When we experience a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth aligns exactly in between the sun & moon casting a shadow across the Moons face. For a moment, it obscures the Moon’s illumination, causing a shift in the vibrations. It’s as if the Eclipse comes through quickly and course corrects, resets the energy &/or changes our positioning. The Eclipse will also activate the lunar nodes (the points where the Sun & Moon cross paths) & depending on what resonates with you the nodes can give insight into your ascension & lessons in this life, past & current life, our comfort zones & the areas we need to master etc. Although it last for a short period of time its impacts can be infinite and lasting whether you tune into it or not.

This luminary opposition is happening in mutable signs Sagittarius and Gemini. Prompting us to tap into our versatility, fluidity and adaptability (especially since they’re squaring Jupiter in Pisces). Gemini being 🜁 Air, draws this energy in intellectually and Sagittarius being 🜂 Fire, does it spiritually. Where Gemini shares and exchange random facts & information, Sagittarius shares mystical stories and opportunity.
Things that may be heightened during this time include (but not limited to): inspiration, opportunities, mixed signals, desire to travel, questing, spreading self thin &/or “biting off more than one can chew”, trickery, anxiety, playfulness, sarcasm, the urge of change something, big ideas & learning randoms facts etc..
Full moons are all about reflecting on & embracing our wholeness & the journey that brought us here. This one will also be asking for our submission to whatever may come to/shift for us, as Earth’s shadow pulls a veil across the moons reflective light.
This Sagittarius Blood Moon is connecting us to spirit, freeing our minds and opening us to opportunity of all kinds. It request that we broaden our horizons, have faith in our journeys and allow in the abundance of love, guidance & wisdom available to us. As you move through this Full Moon Eclipse open to receiving messages through meditation, sound healing, breathe work, rest ect.. Light incense & candles around your altar/space. Share your story with others. Write poetry, a song. Laugh and play. Call in joy or anything that lifts your spirit & stimulates your mind.
These transits can also shed light on the forceful, know-it-all parts of ourselves that need some fine tuning. It’s one thing to spread/share your knowledge and wisdom & something totality different when we begin believing our way is the only way, or that we hold the only truths. Gemini offers the connection and openness to see other perspectives while Sagittarius gives us the ability to control & share our own narratives without taking away from or putting on others. Find the balance - meaning don’t get engulfed in others peoples lives/stories & avoid forcing your narrative/truth on others.
This time is all about expansion of the mind, letting your curiosity free & connect you. Surrender to the possibilities and allow spirit to guide you.
For deeper analysis of where these themes are playing out in your life, check in your Birth Chart, which houses Gemini & Sagittarius reside ( *can check Pisces too since the full ☾ is making a Square to Jupiter in Pisces). Also keep in mind any other transits happening and your own natal placements.
Here is a short overview of the opposing/complimentary house themes:
1st House - Self/Approach/Visible Self - vs - 7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments - vs - 8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
3rd House - Familiar Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings - vs - 9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things(people)/Religion
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation - vs- 10th House - Career/Status/Legacy/Public Life/Authority
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children - vs- 11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking
6th House - Work/Conscious Responsibilities/Physical Health/Pets - vs- 12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dream State/Solitude/Mental Health