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♄ Saturn's 5 Month ℞ Retrograde through ♒︎ Aquarius
Saturn transiting Aquarius: March 2020-July 2020, December 2020-March 2023
Saturn will be retrograde between May 23rd-Oct.10th, 2021 moving from 13° - 6° Aquarius.
When a planet goes retrograde it begins moving in different variations outside of its usually direct, forward motion. This causes it to appear moving backward in relation to Earth. What this does to/for us here inhabiting Earth is pull the collective energies back and inward. Memories can be triggered, past events reemerging in various ways & we are pushed in the direction of internal realignment & fine tuning.
Saturn is the planet of boundaries, structure, obstacles, respect, discipline, authority, time, organization and longevity. Whenever we see Saturn in our charts we will know that the space it occupies will take time to fully blossom & develop. We know there will be obstacles to overcome. That discipline and healthy boundaries need to be implemented in these areas for success. That self doubt & limiting beliefs must be worked through and reorganized to push us to our goals. Saturn is NOT the limits or obstacles, Saturn exposes the limits we have placed (& allowed to be placed) on ourselves and things/others around us. Every 28-30 years we get a knock on our doors from Grandpa/Father Saturn (Saturn Return) reminding us that we have a purpose & legacy here that we need to be aligning to & working toward or choose to live our lives unfulfilled as repeat victims of our own self doubts.
Saturn entered Aquarius March 21st, 2020 - a global pandemic hit, racial tensions rose up once again & governments, organizations, communities & individuals made money, aid & resources “magically” appear. We realized how connected, resourceful and capable we actually are. Later in the year, as Saturn moved back into Capricorn, we then seen power, resources and aid be exploited & dangled in our faces during the presidential election. We realized all along our government has had the abilities, power & resources to provide an equitable and sustainable life for everyone. Since then we see these systems of supremacy and ideas of hierarchy slowly but surely falling apart. More of us have began to open our eyes to envisioning and fighting for a better world for not only ourselves but for everyone, rebelling against those still clenching on to these abusive, outdated ways of existence. We’ve also seen communities come together like never before, entrepreneurship rising, creativity, knowledge & awareness spreading like wild fires & things like cryptocurrency, social media & technology in general becoming even bigger, useful aspects of our lives.
Aquarius is Fixed 🜁 Air, connecting the brains of everything functioning & breathing on this earth in some way shape or form. A consistent flow of knowledge, innovation and change. Aquarius rules the mind & is all about revolution, community/connections, rebelling against the “norms” & advancing humanity. On the other hand, Aquarius energy can also show up as God complexes, aloofness, rigid thinking and apathy. Saturn moving through Aquarius in general has us re-envisioning & challenging our discipline, educational & medical structures and systems, our roles in them & how can they/we be better and truly serve the people within them. Saturn in Aquarius expects us to push past our limiting beliefs/ways to truly enhance & enrich our livelihood and sustainability collectively.
As Saturn goes retrograde, things become more personal and internalized for the next 5 months. (Extra heightened while Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini) We will be reviewing, strengthening & rewiring our own minds, reassessing our inner dialogue, our self doubt when it comes to our intelligence and mental capabilities & more importantly redefining our uniqueness, the things about ourselves we thought needed to be shut away/denied because they weren’t popular, socially acceptable or considered desirable by the masses - all keeping us from our authenticity, greatness & showing up. When we discipline our minds to transform the negative thoughts we hold onto, stop allowing others to define us & take back control of our own narratives everything around us aligns. We begin to move through the world positively & divinely with conviction able to impact everyone we encounter, every space we enter, everything we touch with that same radiant, celestial energy.
Saturn is a bit of a slower moving planet ( making its changes and imprint over the course of months & years) so for personal analysis, in addition to the house it’s moving through, look at its relationship to your personal/inner planets. Check: 1. Any planets/points in your natal chart at or close to 6-13 degrees of any sign; 2. What House(s) Aquarius resides in your chart.
Here is a short overview of the planets action/embodiment:
☉ Sun: Ego/Highlighted, Outward Expression/Vitality/Conscious Mind
☽ Moon: Emotional Body/Private, Internal Expression/Reactivity/Memories
☿ Mercury: Communication of Mind/Learning/Thoughts,Messages/Mental Movement
♀Venus: Magnetism/Love in Action/Ways of Possessing, Valuing & Enhancing
♂Mars: Desire/Ambition/Passions/Active, Instinctual Expression/Ways of War & Separating
♃ Jupiter: Journeying, Seeking/Expansive Expression/Opportunities/Ease
♄ Saturn: Discipline/Responsibility/Controlled(ing) Expression/Authority/Obstacles
♅ Uranus: Innovation/Disruption/ Rebellious Expression/Unexpected Shifts/Technology
♆ Neptune: Transcendence/Imagination/Creative Expression/Alternate Reality/Vibration
♇ Pluto: Regeneration/Destruction/Transforming Expression/Personal Power/Rebirth
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
-Bob ♡