Lets go!

Full ☾ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer
The deepest roots harvest the richest fruits. - B.K
Full Moon at 27° Cancer 1/17 at 3:48pm pst
Full Moon (Sun Moon Opposition) - time of completion, wholeness, balance, reflection, celebration, everything out on the table, seeing the full picture, honoring our journey’s and the present, taking note of all we’ve done & how we did it.
Cancer (Cardinal Water 🜄**)** - one’s cultivation, receptivity, sanctuary, sensing, instinct, ability to initiate emotion & nurturance, protectiveness, familiarity, memories, sense of safety, sympathy & gentleness.
Cancer Capricorn Axis - water & earth, mother & father, roots & legacy, nurturance & discipline, private & public, felt & seen, flow & structure, the depths & the heights, tissue & bones.
Other Planetary Influence -
- Sun Conjunct/Moon Opposite Pluto - emotional purging, cleansing energy can feel overwhelming/drowning, private things/secrets come to conscious/light, strengthening & charging regenerative energy.
Things that may be heightened: emotions, vulnerability, wanting to organize &/or structure things, hunger, sentimentality, memories, things/people from past resurfacing etc..
Suggested Rituals - water, cleansing, absorbing, watering yourself & that around you
- herbal/mud baths, intentional showers &/or other water rituals like putting a bowl of fresh water in your space & pouring it into soil/the earth at the end of each day.
- chest & abdominal massage
- honor & learn more about your family history & ancestors
- being in safe spaces/people to be vulnerable & feel all of your emotions
- going back through your memories, old photos/videos, notes etc..
Overview of opposing/complimentary house themes:
- 1st House - Self/Approach/Visible Self - vs - 7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
- 2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments - vs - 8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
- 3rd House - Familiar Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings - vs - 9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things(people)/Religion
- 4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation - vs- 10th House - Career/Status/Legacy/Public Life/Authority
- 5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children - vs- 11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking
- 6th House - Work/Conscious Responsibilities/Physical Health/Pets - vs- 12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dream State/Solitude/Mental Health
*Check what houses this Full Moon is happening in within your chart (house meanings above)*
Take some time to reflect on the past 6 months (from last July’s New Moon in Cancer) - where were you then (based on the houses this full moon is impacting) in comparison to where you are now. Answer the following questions for yourself:
- What parts or extensions of you have grown since last July? What has that journey been like? What have you encountered & learned?
- What emotions have you suppressed? What did you cover them with? Are you still doing this?
- What has been one of your most consistent emotional states over the past 6 months?
- In what ways have you allowed this emotion to take up space, move through you or hold you hostage?
- What did your upbringing & parents teach you about your emotions & how to deal with them? How has that played out in your life & decision making?
- Who in your life feel like home? What makes you feel safe and secure? Have you told/showed them gratitude?
- What manifestations, emotional growth & /or new structures (that you’ve cultivated over the past 6 months) are you celebrating today?
- Note anything else that comes up for you during this exercise.
*When the Moon moves into her waning phase, we can take what we’ve learned and reflected on to make any adjustments, hone in & build on the things that have worked for us, cut out any excess &/or detrimental patterns.
- Bob ♡