Lets go!

Jan 17th-30th Astro Update & Reading
☉ Sun transiting from Capricorn ♑ to Aquarius ♒︎| ☾ Moon moving through ♋ Cancer -Capricorn ♑︎ | ☿ Mercury ℞ in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♀ Venus ℞ in Capricorn ♑︎ | ♂ Mars transiting from Sagittarius ♐︎ to Capricorn ♑︎ | ♃ Jupiter in Pisces ♓︎ | ♄ Saturn in Aquarius ♒︎ | ♅ Uranus Direct in Taurus ♉︎ | ♆ Neptune in Pisces ♓︎ | ♇ Pluto in Capricorn ♑
Over the next 2 weeks there are multiple big energy shifts calling for a mental stillness as the universe sorts all these changes out. There could be conflicts between the mind and body. Best to take things easy, preserve your energy & focus on clearing your mental.
- 1.17.22 Full Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto - reflection, celebration of what has come to pass, emotional maturation & nurturance.
- 1.18.22 Uranus Direct in Taurus - odd, unexplainable, internal &/or physical shifts & changes turn into/out to be tangible advancements, progress, & enlightenment especially if you’ve been taking the rest and time you need & listening to your senses.
- 1.18.22 Nodes shift into Taurus ☊ & Scorpio ☋ - over the next 18 months the collective focus becomes all about stability, material/matter, alchemizing things into reality, consumption & possession, sensuality, pleasure as a means of regeneration, depth & grounding.
- 1.19.22 Sun moves into Aquarius - moving into the thick of Winter, we’re settle into reality while also being able to see the potential & improvements into the future. connect with like minds, take advice of those with your best interest at heart, trust what you know & stand on it, pour into others, strengthen & cleanse your mind, visualization is manifestation, water seeds you’ve planted. enjoy stimulating/eye opening conversation, podcasts, lectures etc.. don’t conform.
- 1.24.22 Mars moves into Capricorn til 3.6.22 - focusing & prioritizing becomes easier especially post retrogrades, a great mix of drive & direction, discipline & organization, create new habits, be careful of anger when feeling out of control, abusing authority & power from other or even within self. things will speed up in the area of life/house Mars is in.
- 1.29.22 Venus Direct in Capricorn til 3.6.22 - a new sense of self emerging, standing firm in your desires & what you deserve, self accountability, being responsible for you own pleasure & happiness, not allowing others to dictate this for you, better boundaries in relationships of all kind, managing money & material things better.
Readings for each Sign (based mostly on Rising, can check Sun &/or Moon if you don’t know rising or just feel called to. take what resonates leave the rest).
Aquarius - post full moon,you are fired up over the next two weeks, you may be able to get a lot done in your alone time but not with out some hiccups, leave a little space for corrections, don’t hesitate to ask for a 2nd pair of eyes before finalizing things. you may also be experiencing a restlessness - meditation, unplugging, breathe work, therapy of any kind will be helpful in sorting through your thoughts, clearing your mind & keeping you in good spirits. it may also be good to retreat & spend sometime away from your usual. any kind of emotional issues or changes in your home life from the past 6 months start to make more sense & progress forward. resources & money flow easily to you now, think about investing & saving, more specifically with home & career in mind.
Pisces - you are becoming more you, which can take up a lot of energy having to sift through & release all the things/personas/beliefs that you’ve taken on throughout the years. know that rest is your refueling, there’s no need to be expelling a bunch of energy in the wrong places or ways, you’re already doing so much healing & unlearning. no need to be forceful. it’s a good time to reassess your friends groups, environment & rituals, what things/people have you outgrown? what can you do in your day to day to keep you grounded & present. it’s also important right now to face things instead of escaping, you only prolong the pain of the healing process when you choose not to show up within it.
Aries - the more you stay true to yourself & you’re uniqueness the more abundance flows to you now, the past 6 months were helping you to free yourself from the expectations of others, the voice that tells you to follow the hype instead of your own heart, no more of that. right now is all about getting clear on who you are in the world & showing up authentically. sometimes you have to go back in order to go forward, think back to your upbringing, what could you correct & heal for yourself in order to tap into your true self & purpose?
Taurus - as the time progresses so do you. you may have been feeling a bit stuck & unable to really move forward in a big, obvious way, but all those little things & setbacks become what really gets you going forward now. the next year & a half will help you step more into your purpose. if you needed a sign to get back into a certain area of study or practice here it is. go back, relearn & unlearn & utilize the tools you have, no more wasting you gifts & being comfortable. it’s time to shine & revitalize your dreams & path.
Gemini - you’ve been no stranger lately to transformation & the alchemy wont slow down anytime soon. you’re moving into a time of manifesting your deepest desires, a lot is happening under the surface & you’re in the process of learning how to fully tap into your power, healing & unseen abilities. sideline any distractions but make space & understanding for your emotions - know that the heaviness you may feel comes with metamorphosis , it’s okay & necessary to feel the full range of your human-ness.
Cancer - filled up or fed under the Cancer Full Moon? what was revealed to you? & how will you move now with this insight? right now it’s best to trust & be led by your spirit rather than your logic, the mind can be tricky right now & your thoughts may be all over the place for the next few weeks, trust what you feel, the emotional intelligence that has grown within you & the things that get you inspired. be honest with where you are in your close relationships & with the people you love. your word is bond, so be sure to speak from your core, from a pure place vs saying what you think sounds the best or what you feel people may want to hear. release the feelings that you’re misunderstood & just be. the people that love you know exactly what you mean & where you’re coming from.
Leo - you’ve been feeling isolated or just unseen & unheard lately. have you been giving yourself some love & attention? have you asked from others what you need? it’s not needy of you nor is it shameful or weak to want these things, however you desire it. the coming weeks can help you draw in the affection and attention we all deserve & need at times. you don’t even have to ask with words, you can ask with your own actions & energy, give a little to get a lot, rest your pride with those that love you, it only blocks the connection, bonding & support. things will be speeding up for you in the areas of work & status so make sure your health is a priority first & foremost.
Virgo - healing & growth through connection & your close relationships has become a big thing in your life now, the deeper the love you feel the more your heart heals, continue nurturing & building on those connections that make you feel warm & close & safe. in a few weeks the creative blocks will lift that you’ve been experiencing but until then you can still use this time to practice & work with things you already know that could use some brushing up on. discipline yourself to keep practicing through frustration & learn how to work with it.
Libra - for sometime now you’ve been face to face with a wound in your identity & how you relate to others. ultimately you get to choose whether this pain continues to define & control your existence & relationships or if it just becomes a chapter of your story that you grow & learn from. we are not what we’ve been through, we are not what we’ve done, we’re not what we have, nor are we who our parents told us to be or anyone else. the next few weeks can be good for deep diving into your inner child work, your foundation & getting back to your innocence. remember who you truly are, your self worth so you can move with intention, integrity & purpose. new opportunities will be coming around home & your security.
Scorpio - it’s time to grow & be consistent, there may be some hiccups in the next few weeks with whatever your energy is going into but they’re meant to keep you on point not stop you, so don’t get discouraged over minor mishaps. your creativity, imagination & talents are out of this world right now, sky is literally the limit. focus on getting your mind to catch up to you abilities, train your mind to see your opportunities even when on the surface it doesn’t seem like much is there. there’s so much abundance surrounding you! release the desire to have everything in your control & learn to flow & collaborate with whats happening around you. let go of the timelines & what you thought your life should’ve been so you can move into the life truly meant for you. it gets even better if you allow it.
Sagittarius - soon enough it’ll be time to start putting to practice all you have to offer the world- your gifts, your studies, innate abilities. you can continue practicing, studying, & learning but what good is all the knowledge if not applied. at some point you will hit a wall because you’re lacking the experiences you actually crave. feedback, reciprocation, growth & appreciation all come from actually putting yourself in the world & sharing what you have to offer. you also will never truly know what you’re capable of if you continue to bury & hide yourself in self doubt, chasing perfection & study. it’s comfortable but detrimental, & it’s okay if you make a few mistakes that’s a natural part of it. just know the time is coming.
Capricorn - are you still being hard headed? it’s time to stop fighting so hard for things that don’t serve you just because it worked in the past or it’s all you’ve known. take the chance at trying things differently & having a surprisingly pleasant outcome. sometimes it’s nice to not always be right & let others show you a different path or perspective. relax some in your day to day routine & give yourself some grace for it. there’s a big emphases on joy & play this year for you. kick back a little & see what comes of it.
-Bob ♡