Lets go!

New ☾ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces
New Moon at 12° Pisces 3/2 at 8:34am pst
Your reality is a reflection of your strongest belief. -Unknown
New Moon (Sun Moon Conjunction) - time of newness, setting intentions, goals & making wishes, planting seeds and aligning internally, darkness, where everything is rooted and we must rely on intuition and our senses.
Pisces (Mutable Water🜄 ) - one’s interconnection, boundlessness, dreams, imagination, transcendence, omnipresence, ability to escape & alter reality, one’s empathy, faith, poetry, vibration, wandering, acceptance & surrender.
Other Planetary Influence -
- Jupiter ☌ Conjunct the Sun & Moon bringing luck & magic to what comes from this New Moon, abundance or excess. expansion of subconscious material - perfect time for breaking addictions/patterns can also be an easy time for starting/reigniting addictions/bad habits.
- Uranus Sextile the Sun & Moon improvements, advancements, instant changes, disruptions turning out to be “blessings in disguise”
- Venus, Mars & Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn creatingpower, activation, forceful push within money matters, relationships, can bring out trust issues, expose lack of love or value, finalizing & solidifying lessons, realizations & changes from Venus retrograde.
- Mercury & Saturn Conjunct in Aquarius hard truths, sticking to your words, time management, pacing yourself, making a plan for the future, thinking of all possibilities, having to switch up flow.
Things that may be heightened: dreams, addictions, imagination, sleepiness, escapism, clairvoyance, generosity, vibration, sound sensitivity, delusions, faith, hope, day dreaming etc.
Suggested Rituals - water, cleansing, detoxing
- water or liquid fasting, hydrating
- foot baths/soaks, lymphatic massage
- bath rituals, washing hair, crystals, body, hands, face .etc
- music, poetry, dream journaling etc..
Overview of house themes:
- 1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
- 2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
- 3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
- 4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
- 5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
- 6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
- 7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
- 8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
- 9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
- 10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
- 11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
- 12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
*Check what house this New Moon is happening in within your chart (house meanings above).*
Take some time to be present with the area of life/house themes being activated right now by this Moon. Think about what you want in the coming 6 months (now to the Pisces Full Moon in September 2022 ) for this area of your life - what is your vision for the future and what steps can you take to get there? Think about & answer the following questions for yourself:
- What are your belief systems? What do you practice? Do these resonate with you & enhance your quality of life? If not, what can you shift about them?
- In what ways & areas would you like to continue healing and growing this year?
- Can you envision this healthier, evolved version of yourself? Describe in detail, what you are like in this space.
- What practices have you implemented to aid you in your journey of health, wellness, abundance & peace? If not yet, what can you implement?
- Is there some forgiveness needing to be given? To be asked for? Within yourself or others.
- Where & how in your life can you draw in more compassion, grace & tenderness?
- Note anything else that comes up for you during this exercise.
*When the Moon moves into her waxing phase, we can put into action the notes, points and steps we wrote down, incorporating them into our life.
- Bob ♡