Lets go!

♀Venus transiting Sagittarius ♐︎
Venus entered Sagittarius 10/7/21 at 4:21am pst.
Out of penetrating Scorpio into the expansive, wild fires of Sagittarius. All that we’ve been pouring into, digging up and maintaining during the Scorpio transit now are able to spread, grow & transcend. Sagittarius is Mutable 🜂 Fire - bringing out spontaneity, abundance, wide spread reach, transitions and love that frees us.
This transit is open, blunt & full of opportunities - it’s more about choosing the paths and connections that light up your spirit & resonate with your goals. We all can tap into our visionary side, seeing to it that we’re are moving to our ideal realities & adjusting as needed to accommodate our aspirations.
During this time you may be feeling more open to sharing your stories, inviting other elements, things, people in your projects, work, relationships & /or financial matters that can be of benefit. This is great timing to be sifting through where you are right now and finding those missing pieces of the puzzle that will elevate your life/projects/relationships, putting extra focus into those things to expand & really branch out. It is also a great time to be tapping into those things/people that peaked your interest that you may not have had the time to really put energy toward. Sagittarius energy is fortunate so most things we do right now can lead us into something better one way or another. Trust wherever spirit is leading you, align with this energy right now - open up to the gifts and wisdom the universe has to bestow on you. If you’re spending your days being rigid, shutting down you can really miss out on some beautiful opportunities. It is also important to note that this energy can also have us biting off way more than we can chew &/or sharing way more than is appropriate so just be mindful and remember to connect back to the here and now, remaining optimistic but also realistic.
Right now Venus is making an inspiring and wisdom filled connection to Chiron in Aries - our wounds truly become our gifts and this transit can push us to the other side of any pain we’ve been feeling &/or any lessons we’re meant to learn from. Towards the end of the month Venus will hit a crossroad with Neptune ℞ motivating us to break any unhealthy patterns and make space for true pleasure, love and connection within ourselves and every where else. Shortly after Venus will get some cheers and support from now direct Jupiter - use this extra juicy energy to throw some ideas & wishes out in the universe for some hefty returns!
For a greater understanding of where these themes/energies are showing up in your life check within your Natal Chart which House(s) Sagittarius resides. Also keep in mind other transits happening and your own natal placements.
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
-Bob ♡