Lets go!

☿Mercury's 3 Week ℞ Retrograde through Aquarius ♒︎ & Capricorn ♑︎
Mercury will be retrograde between January 1st - February 3rd moving from 10° Aquarius - 24° Capricorn.
The Retrogrades this year are moving through Air & the last degrees of Earth signs, emphasizing the mind body connection, how thoughts become things and the ways our mental state manifest in tangible reality. Retrogrades moving through multiple signs means shifts in priorities & the ways we care for ourselves with its progression. While Mercury in air can be flighty, intellectualizing & sociable - earth brings in a tone of permanence, practicality & even somewhat disengaging. Try tuning into the shifts in tone as we experience the retrogrades, see what comes out of them for you & how they affect you & your mind.
As we power through this first Mercury retrograde - advancement & clenching to the past become a big theme. Where can you free yourself, what thoughts/habits/programing can you release & what is worth holding on to & restructuring? How has your mind shaped your reality? We are all granted the time & space to dig deeper in our minds, our processes, our communication when Mercury retrogrades whether we want to or not. So, of course, we all should be moving with the flow - slowing down, cutting down on distractions, unplugging from all the alternate realities we have now & making time to just be in our bodies & in nature.
This can also be a prime time to make repairs & or overdue upgrades - with your means of travel, your devices/technology, reconnections with old friends & loved ones. The move from Aqua to Capricorn can really bring stabilizing shifts & a longevity & solidness to the future. This retrograde moves through with intellect & usefulness so it’s expected to be in your head a lot, to feel like you’re having to figure out a crazy math equation. So it’ll be important to pay attention to how your body is responding to things & to give your vessel proper fuel & attentiveness. Practice/learn new ways putting your mind at ease. Like I said thoughts become things & your mental state is the key to your reality.
For a more personal understanding of where/how this transit is showing up in your life check which Houses Capricorn & Aquarius reside in your Natal Chart & this transit comes in contact with any of your natal planets.
Here is a short overview of the house themes:
1st House - Self/Character/Appearance/Overall Health
2nd House - Possessions/Money/Values/Attachments
3rd House - Environment/Rituals/Learning/Siblings
4th House - Home/Parents/Private Life/Emotional Foundation
5th House - Creativity/Pleasure/Entertainment/Children
6th House - Work/Responsibilities/Health/Pets
7th House - Partner/Others/Business/Shadow Self
8th House - Shared Resources/Transformation/Intimacy/Things Hidden
9th House - Spirituality/Journeys/Foreign Things/Religion
10th House - Career/Status/Public Life/Authority
11th House - Aspirations/Friends/Supporters/Networking/Community
12th House - Behind The Scenes/Unconscious/Dreams/Solitude
Here is a short overview of the planets action/embodiment:
☉ Sun: Ego/Highlighted, Outward Expression/Vitality/Conscious Mind
☽ Moon: Emotional Body/Private, Internal Expression/Reactivity/Memories
☿ Mercury: Communication of Mind/Learning/Thoughts,Messages/Mental Movement
♀Venus: Magnetism/Love in Action/Ways of Possessing, Valuing & Enhancing
♂Mars: Desire/Ambition/Passions/Active, Instinctual Expression/Ways of War & Separating
♃ Jupiter: Journeying, Seeking/Expansive Expression/Opportunities/Ease
♄ Saturn: Discipline/Responsibility/Controlled(ing) Expression/Authority/Obstacles
♅ Uranus: Innovation/Disruption/ Rebellious Expression/Unexpected Shifts/Technology
♆ Neptune: Transcendence/Imagination/Creative Expression/Alternate Reality/Vibration
♇ Pluto: Regeneration/Destruction/Transforming Expression/Personal Power/Rebirth
-Bob ♡